AI meets skincare: welcome to the age of personalized experiences 

Confused about AI? No more. Here is how to boost your customers’ satisfaction. Who has never dreamed of having access to a more luxurious and tailored routine? One that can effectively and efficiently improve your complexion, giving exactly what your skin needs without much fuss?

Well, the waiting is over. Stay with me because AI can make it happen. 

Understanding AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a computer science tool that enables machines to demonstrate human-like abilities such as reasoning, learning, planning, and creativity. AI relies on machine learning to improve performance through experience and data analysis. The algorithms recognize patterns in training data, make predictions, and potentially make decisions to achieve predefined goals.

AI and the beauty industry

Brands are always looking for more interesting ways to attract customers and as digital natives become a larger part of this market, integrating digital and physical experiences is key.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of cosmetology is bringing about remarkable changes. It involves the introduction of advanced tools such as at-home skin analysis devices for evaluating your skin quality and virtual reality software that allows users to virtually try on different products. These technological improvements empower individuals to make informed decisions about their cosmetic care and allow cosmetologists to predict treatment outcomes more accurately. Consequently, AI amplifies patient satisfaction by aligning expectations with achievable results more effectively (Grech et al., 2024):

  • AI makes skincare more accessible to everyone, democratizing the industry.
  • It fosters collaboration and innovation between physicians and cosmetic suppliers.
  • Improvement of the assessment of cosmetic ingredients, ensuring better safety and efficacy. 
  • Ethical alternative to animal testing by replacing traditional methods within silico models.

This being said the primary use of AI in the beauty industry can be broadly categorized into two areas (Gasenko, 2024): firstly, AI is employed to improve customer relationships by personalizing recommendations, providing virtual try-on experiences, and offering real-time beauty consultations; secondly, AI is important in developing and optimizing business models by analyzing consumer insights, predicting trends, and time-saving supply chain management. 

Virtual try-on and augmented reality (AR)

Virtual try-on tools transform the beauty product experience for customers by providing a platform to virtually experiment with a wide range of makeup looks and try out different skincare products, allowing them to make well-thought-out decisions before making a purchase. By reducing the need for in-store sampling, these tools not only offer convenience but also play a significant role in reducing waste, as a result promoting environmentally friendly practices. So, this innovative approach not only benefits the customers but also has a positive impact on the environment.

Skincare analysis

AI-driven skincare analysis implementations have been growing in popularity as they offer users the ability to thoroughly evaluate the condition of their skin and receive personalized skincare routines and product recommendations. These applications often utilize advanced technology such as image recognition and machine learning to analyze facial features in order to identify specific skin issues such as acne and lack of elasticity. Once these skin issues are identified, the apps can recommend appropriate products or skincare routines tailored to the user’s needs. 

Chatbots and customer service

One of the most significant impacts of AI in the beauty industry is its ability to upgrade the customer experience by providing personalized recommendations. Companies like Sephora are in the lead of this transformation, using progressive AI algorithms to carefully analyze customer data and past purchases. This allows them to offer tailored product suggestions that align with everyone’s unique preferences and needs. So, the integration of AI-led personalized recommendations not only elevates the overall shopping experience but also significantly contributes to heightened customer satisfaction, increased brand loyalty, and ultimately, a positive impact on revenues within the beauty industry.

Personalized products

AI technology is increasingly employed to restructure the beauty industry by introducing entirely new personalized beauty products. AI technologies can also be used to analyze customers’ facial features and skin tones, enabling accurate recommendations for makeup shades and formulations that suit them perfectly. Moreover, AI plays a central role in addressing key concerns related to inclusivity and ethical practices within the beauty sector. By carefully studying product formulations and customer preferences, AI facilitates the development of cruelty-free and inclusive beauty products that align with the growing demands of consumers while advocating for ethical standards.

AI privacy concerns

We saw that AI offers several benefits to the beauty industry, but what about our privacy?

Many new technologies use facial images or scanning to create unique digital profiles, which triggers legal obligations regarding the collection, storage, and processing of biometric data. Biometric data is classified as sensitive personal data, requiring clear consent from individuals. Without explicit consent, companies must justify their data processing legally and transparently. AI and AR applications in the beauty industry can also introduce risks such as data misuse and breaches, calling attention to the need for data protection measures. There is also a careful examination of behavioral biometrics, like gaze-tracking or facial expression analysis, which could potentially invade privacy boundaries by predicting user intentions and emotions.


In the rapidly advancing landscape of skincare, the integration of AI technologies holds immense potential. By employing artificial intelligence, skincare can be personalized to unprecedented levels, offering personalized solutions for individual needs. This advancement not only improves efficiency but also promotes inclusivity by providing for diverse skin types and conditions. Embracing AI in skincare is key for reshaping the cosmetology industry, ultimately leading to improved well-being for people all around the world.


Gasenko, K. (2024). Revolutionizing beauty: How artificial intelligence is transforming the beauty industry in the USA. Věda a perspektivy, 7(38), 8-16.

Grech, V. S., Kefala, V., & Rallis, E. (2024). Cosmetology in the era of artificial intelligence. Cosmetics, 11(4), 135.