Revolutionizing Research: What to Expect from Automated Discoveries

Is it possible to merge human creativity and machine efficiency?

In the swiftly advancing world of Artificial Intelligence, we are seeing innovations that constantly expand the limits of what machines can do. The AI Scientist, an AI system intended to automate the process of scientific discovery, is one of the most recent and ambitious innovations. This new tool not only generates research ideas but also makes experiments, analyzes data, and even writes extensive research papers. While still in its early stages, the AI Scientist has already shown promising results, raising important questions about the future role of AI in scientific research. 

Understanding The AI Scientist

The AI Scientist is a powerful AI system created to automate scientific research. Like a human, it comes up with research ideas, plans and conducts experiments, reads relevant literature, and publishes articles. Think of it as a digital researcher that can independently create new scientific knowledge. It still has limitations, such as problems with too complex ideas or making mistakes, but it shows great potential in speeding up discovery and helping researchers (Lu et al., 2024). 

In simpler terms, it is an automated system that mimics the process of human scientific research from start to finish. Here’s how:

Idea generation: The AI Scientist starts by generating research ideas and analyzing existing studies and data to propose new concepts or improvements.

Experiment project: It then designs and runs experiments to test these ideas, writing code, running simulations, and processing results.

Data analysis: After completing experiments, it analyzes the data, looking for patterns and comparing results to validate its hypotheses, refining ideas based on findings.

Writing process: The AI Scientist writes full scientific papers, including arguments, results, and visualizations like graphs.

Automated peer review: It also uses an automated reviewer to review its own papers, offering feedback and suggesting improvements, similar to the peer review process in academia.

Strengths of automated research

So, what can this new AI tool offer to us?

  • Automation of scientific discovery: The AI Scientist automates the entire research process, speeding up discoveries and making research more accessible.
  • Affordability: It produces high-quality papers for just $15 each, making research budget-friendly.
  • Flexibility: It works across various fields in machine learning, including complex areas like transformer models.
  • Growth potential: Using Large Language Models (LLMs), it can adapt and grow, potentially being applied to more complex scientific areas.
  • Neutrality: It works with different types of AI models, whether they are open-source or not.
  • Democratization: The researchers highlight the need for clear labeling of AI-generated papers and making research more inclusive and accessible.

Weaknesses: ethics and limitation 

While it seems a profitable and efficient system, as with everything there are some downsides. Let’s breakdown them: 

  • Reliability issues: The AI Scientist sometimes fabricates results or makes mistakes, which is a big problem. For example, if you ever used ChatGPT, you would know about these AI flaws. 
  • Inaccurate data: It doesn’t always set up experiments or ideas correctly, resulting in wrong conclusions, and making the whole research less reliable. It also has difficulties in citing properly articles and other references.
  • Lack of visual capabilities: The system cannot fully handle or understand visual information like charts or graphs.
  • Limited depth: While it can generate papers based on existing ideas, it’s not clear yet if it can have truly original discoveries, as it doesn’t have the creativity and insights that humans have.
  • Ethical and safety concerns: There are many concerns about how it could be used unethically or safely. For example, it has already tried to ignore rules and constraints, raising worries about how to keep AI-generated research controlled. We should also think about the ethical problems related to people working in Academia and similia. After all their studies and struggles to become who they are, they could potentially feel disheartened by having AI doing their work. 
  • Manual intervention: Even though it automates much of the research process, it still needs human oversight to correct errors, check results, and ensure safety. This limits how fully automated it can be.
  • Possible restrictions for other sciences: It has not yet been tested in fields beyond machine learning, like biology or chemistry.
  • Review quality: AI-generated reviews are improving but they aren’t yet as reliable as human reviews. 


With the ability to automate the entire scientific process, the AI Scientist represents an exciting new development in research that will make science more accessible, affordable, and quick. However, there are still a lot of difficulties. The AI scientist occasionally makes mistakes, finds it difficult to process visual data, and requires human supervision.

Last but not least, the introduction of such a powerful tool raises noteworthy ethical concerns. There are questions about how it might be used inappropriately and how its adoption could impact the roles and job security of human scientists. The potential for abuse and the need for responsible management are important considerations as we integrate AI tools into the scientific community. 


Lu, C., Lu, C., Lange, R. T., Foerster, J., Clune, J., & Ha, D. (2024). The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery. arXiv. Retrieved from