AI for Safe Swimming – By Stefan

Many people use swimming pools every day, private or municipal. Unfortunately, this causes many tragic accidents every day, mainly drowning. The rescue team responsible for ensuring safety is not always able to supervise every person using the pool. New technologies are coming to improve this problem. The intelligent swimming pool monitoring system is based on the analysis of monitoring images using computer vision algorithms. Such a system is able to detect potential drownings and prevent a tragedy.

The entire system is based on the use of computer vision algorithms, which after analyzing data, which are hundreds of thousands of images, allows for automatic detection of certain objects in the image and making specific decisions in connection with it. Available monitoring cameras will be used to collect data, or new ones dedicated to this task will be installed. Data in the form of video will be processed using an algorithm to obtain information about objects located in the monitored area, as well as how long they spend there. All these activities will be performed in real time. A popular image analysis algorithm for such problems is YOLO (You Only Look Once), because it is very effective, fast and accurate. It can detect not only people, but also animals or objects that may be in the pool. If we use a private pool where there is no lifeguard, we can be calm about the safety of our loved ones. 

The most important features of the intelligent monitoring system include the ability to calculate the time spent underwater by people using the pool and whether this time does not exceed the set limit. Death by drowning occurs quickly and without sound, which is easy to miss. If a person is underwater for too long, an alarm is triggered, which informs lifeguards or immediately sends information to the rescue services about a possible accident in the pool, which increases the probability of survival in the event of a possible drowning.

In addition to human safety, it is possible to configure the system in a monitoring mode that protects against burglary, e.g. wild animals or pets that accidentally end up in the water and have difficulty getting out. The system’s capabilities are very large and offer many levels of security and protection, making the pool area safe for everyone.

For those interested in implementing such a system, there are several configuration options. The first option is to install the system locally on a computer, which will allow the algorithm to work without interference. This option includes installing all the equipment, cameras, a server or processor in the cloud and integrating with existing alarm and security systems. The second option is to configure monitoring with the algorithm via the API interface. This is a cheaper option for people who already have a monitoring system, but which would not be able to handle AI algorithms locally, and is scalable.

Installing such a system can significantly increase safety in swimming pools and reduce the number of deaths by drowning. In continuous monitoring mode, lifeguards can count on support in critical situations, and in private pools it can be a basic safety measure where lifeguards are not present.

An additional advantage is the ability to detect non-human intrusions, which is a common problem for people who have pets or a pool near forests where wild animals often live.

Integrating a similar system in the pool area is a significant step forward in improving safety. Using an artificial intelligence tool and modern computer vision algorithms such as YOLO, such systems become irreplaceable in everyday life, improving our comfort and saving lives in critical situations. Regardless of whether we are talking about private or public pools, it is an investment in the future, comfort from swimming and reducing mortality.