AI and the Next Evolution of Coding – By Konrad

The landscape of programming is all set to change on a massive scale as we step into an era where artificial intelligence (AI) powers our imaginations. With advancements in AI growing, it is undeniable that traditional coding will not only become easier as the burden of complex tasks are eased but also possible programming may come without traditional coding. Thomas Dohmke, the CEO of GitHub has quoted it as “AI is going to change how people write code”.

A New Paradigm: No-Code Programming

In his TED talk, Thomas Dohmke raised a little bit more that our imagination can go back on thinking about programming without code. In the past, this might have seemed like a far-out concept but with AI getting more and more sophisticated it is becoming increasingly likely. In the long term, Dohmke sees a future where AI could handle all of the everyday parts of coding so that developers can concentrate on solving creative problems and thinking at higher levels.

In a world where someone can simply talk to the computer, just like I am writing this post while studying RL (Reinforcement learning). Imagine if this leap democratized programming, allowing more people to develop their ideas without requiring a great deal of technical knowledge. This speaks to the larger trend of low-code and no-code platforms that are enabling even non-programmers with some degree of software creation capabilities.

The AI and Coding Industrial (r)Evolution

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang has been talking about “the next industrial revolution” for AI processing. As Huang puts it, the way AI is being applied across different fields — software development included — resembles in many ways how electricity spread during the First Industrial Revolution. In the same way, electricity transformed manufacturing AI is going to transform this next wave of software building.

One of the biggest impacts that AI has made in coding is its capability to deconstruct complex problems and subdivide them into solvable, smaller units. With this developers can process complex projects with more efficiency and accuracy. Not getting into nitty-gritties for writing every single line of code, it only contributes, even more, to speed up development and also reduces chances of error because they are routine tasks — made for AI in the first place.

Universal Pseudocode Dream

The development of a universal pseudocode is probably one of the more exciting prospects for coding in the future. It sends around the creation of an AI-level lingua franca that everyone speaks, ideally a human-readable one — almost like we need to encode every programming language in it so that no matter where you are or what kind of code your company uses–AI will work with all this on equal footing. A tool like this would revolutionize who gets to contribute, opening the massive floodgates and breaking down walls that keep diverse groups from building software together in exciting new ways.


The future of coding is most definitely tied to the evolution of AI. These are some of the aspects that will help to bring a new era into programming — with AI assuming more potent roles in developing software as well, which at last would be marked for increased efficiency, creativity, and presence. But this is not the death of conventional coding and likely a future where AI works alongside human programmers, with each utilizing its strengths. The next industrial revolution imagined by the likes of Jensen Huang and Thomas Dohmke will reshape more than just how we code but also what it means to solve problems, and innovate in our digital age.