Natural Language Processing: your pocket-size assistant 

AI-powered tools have already made their way into our everyday lives, often without us even noticing.  Ever wondered how Artificial Intelligence can communicate with us so naturally?

Don’t worry – you are still on time, not everyone knows the answer. Here is some great information about it you should consider. 

Understanding Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Seems cool, but – sadly – we are not talking about robots or aliens. It might sound a bit technical, but Natural Language Processing (NLP) is simply a branch of computer science and artificial intelligence (AI) focused on allowing computers to interpret and interact with human language. By integrating computational linguistics—using rule-based models of language—with statistical modeling, machine learning (ML), and deep learning techniques, NLP allows computers and digital devices to comprehend and generate both text and speech.

NLP research has covered the way for generative AI improvement, including the sophisticated communication abilities of large language models (LLMs) and the capability of image generation models to interpret requests. Today, NLP is rooted in many aspects of daily life, driving functionalities in search engines, chatbots for customer service, voice-activated GPS systems, and digital assistants on smartphones.

It has, for example, revolutionized how businesses perceive and respond to customer feedback thanks to sentiment analysis, leveraging AI and NLP to identify the emotional tone in the text. This allows businesses to not only assess whether the feedback is positive or not, but also uncover the motivations behind it. These insights help companies refine their products, better meet customer needs, and enhance both satisfaction and loyalty. Sentiment analysis also facilitates real-time marketing adjustments, allowing companies to swiftly adapt to changing consumer preferences. It safeguards a brand’s reputation by detecting potential issues early, enabling proactive measures before they escalate. Beyond crisis management, it serves as a valuable tool for optimizing marketing campaigns through real-time feedback (Kamal et al., 2023).

Aren’t you already familiar with it?

NLP is basically a technology that doesn’t just understand what we say but also grasps our hidden intent, interacting with us in a completely natural way.

Do you have a virtual assistant device in your home? Did you ask Alexa something about the weather today? Or maybe have you asked Siri to set an alarm on your phone?

That’s exactly what an NLP tool is. The adoption rate of new AI-based technologies in homes is growing exponentially: it is estimated that over 43.7 million adults in the United States have a smart speaker, such as Google Home, Amazon Alexa, or Apple HomePod, in their homes (Tacker, 2020).

Artificial intelligence technologies and virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa have become such an integral part of our daily lives that we almost perceive them as additional family members. Figuratively, we regard them as reliable companions or helpers within our home environment. This weird feeling comes from our frequent interactions with these smart devices, which we rely on for various tasks around the house. We regularly use them to set reminders, play our favorite music, answer questions, provide weather updates, control smart home devices, and more. These virtual assistants have seamlessly integrated into our daily routines. Their conversational nature—responding to voice commands much like a human—creates a sense of familiarity and closeness. Over time, we might start viewing them as reliable, helpful companions, even adding polite phrases like “thank you” or “please” after making a request, further humanizing them. Yet, despite the emotional connection we might feel, Siri and Alexa are simply software programs without consciousness or real emotions. While they efficiently respond to our needs through predefined algorithms, they lack the ability to truly understand emotions or form meaningful connections in the way a human can.


Natural Language Processing (NLP) is innovating the way we interact with technology, becoming a force behind digital innovation. Its ability to bridge the gap between human language and machine understanding allows businesses to connect with consumers on a deeper, more intimate level. From sentiment analysis that uncovers customer emotions to virtual assistants that feel like part of the family, NLP is reshaping not only marketing strategies but also the way we live and communicate. Though these technologies may mimic human-like interactions, it’s essential to remember that they are still tools— extremely powerful and efficient, but without true consciousness or emotional understanding. As businesses continue to integrate AI and NLP into their plans, the potential for improved customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty has big potential, provided we stay mindful of the limitations and ethical considerations of these evolving technologies.


Kamal, M., & Himel, A. S. (2023). Redefining Modern Marketing: An Analysis of AI and NLP’s Influence on Consumer Engagement, Strategy, and Beyond. Eigenpub Review of Science and Technology7(1), 203–223.

Tacker J. (2020), The Age of AI. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, Zondervan Thrive.