Sentiment Analysis: The Power Of Ai In Gauging Public Opinion – By Görkem

Arguably, there is no better time for one to know what the public opinion might be than in the present digital age. This is where Sentiment Analysis comes into play. It is our tool to be able to get the emotions behind people’s words. This is, in other words, a technologically driven process through which it is distilled whether a given piece of text expresses positive, negative or neutral feelings. So, what is sentiment analysis, exactly? Here is an example: Suppose you read a review of a product: “This phone is awesome!” or “This phone is a complete disaster.” Now, it’s clear that the former has a positive connotation and the latter is negative. Sentiment Analysis enables computers to do such things by analyzing text pieces and classifying them into classes of expressed sentiment.


Sentiment analysis doesn’t categorize an emotion but rather derives insights that provoke decisions. This is exactly what businesses do to have their ears on the ground, pick up comments on social media and understand exactly what’s being said by customers about their brands. Companies can go all out and fully produce the product if it’s a totally new product and people are raving positively about it. However, should people have started complaining about the product, they would now need to rethink their strategy. Another area in which Sentiment Analysis works amazingly is customer feedback. Businesses mainly achieve this through review analysis, which helps them in detecting the trends that customers love or hate about their products so they can improve on them while coming up with new products or working on customer service. This could also be applied for market research purposes, where businesses are able to assess how consumers feel about new products even before they actually hit the shelves. Moreover, Sentiment analysis in politics will offer insight into public sentiment during elections or during any major event. With it, a political analyst can get a feel of the opinion the masses have on specific policies or candidates from social media posts, speeches, and news articles.


At its simplest level, Sentiment Analysis is an application of techniques within text translation. Therefore, the text is broken into smaller units such as words, phrases, and sometimes also letters. Afterward, words are checked for having a good or bad aura to them. Like, “great”, “love” and “happiness” could probably mean good, while words like “bad”, “hate” and “terrible” suggest negativity. In many ways, it may require some form of training to get higher accuracy from the machine learning models. The models have been trained with huge sets of text that are labeled for sentiment. The model learns different patterns, with respect to the highly diversified set, and this gradually enhances the prediction for sentiment even from text data that is unseen.


Notwithstanding, sentiment analysis has its own set of challenges. After all, language is not very straightforward, and most of the time context is necessary. One of the biggest is irony, which can be a bit confusing. For example, the sentence could read ‘Oh great, another rainy day,’ and that might look positive in meaning, yet indeed this is the meaning of frustration. On the other hand, what might also confuse analysis is the mixing of sentiments in one sentence. To illustrate, “The movie was good, but the climax was disappointing.”


Sentiment analysis will be commonly used by everyone in the future. Through every new turn, the evolution of AI and NLP (Natural Language Processing) continues to put forth more advanced models that can address nuanced language, including sarcasm and mixed sentiments. Real-time sentiment analysis is also on the rise, allowing companies to monitor public opinion as events unfold. Sentiment analysis will become more and more successful in being effective on human sentiment and ensuring good decisions the more these technologies advance.